How to Look More Toned with Darkening Drops (Body Contouring)
September 3, 2020 – Caribbeantan South African

January may be over (for a while there, we thought it might never end) but some of us are still recovering from a slightly over-indulgent festive season. However, whether or not our bodies are excited about this, summer is not over here in SA, so we can’t slip into hibernation just yet.
Here are some all-over-body tanning contouring tips for faking-it-til-you’re-making-it after the silly season.
Grab a bottle of Caribbean Tan Spritzer and, while holding your arm at a 90-degree angle, spray the inner part of your triceps. Remember to use a tanning mitt, rubbing the product into your skin in a circular motion. Add a little extra definition by applying the product to the natural curvature of your arm, finishing with a line down the middle of your forearm for emphasis. The result? More chiselled arms, like you’ve been hitting the gym over the holidays (and not the Mince Pies).
Resist the urge to try and spray fake abs onto your stomach – we promise you, this does not work. Your belly is beautiful the way it is, so all you’re doing is enhancing its gorgeousness. Use the Caribbean Tan Instant Tan In A Can (or the Spritzer) and apply half circles to the sides of your stomach (imagine you’re creating brackets around the middle). To create a slimming look, blend in the product around the natural curves of your ab line.
You may want to go a little darker with your legs, as they tend to tan slower than the rest of your body (one of the great mysteries of life), so try adding a few Pure Pigment Darkening Drops to your Caribbean Tan Spritzer (or, continue with whichever product you’re comfortable working with). In the same way as with your stomach, apply semi-circles/parentheses to your inner thighs (the semi-circles should be facing each other, ultimately creating a circle when your legs are together).
Then, spray or apply a line down the side of your outer thighs, and a light, straight line of down your shins. And that’s it!